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Hinterer Heuberg (2,578 m) via Komperdell

From the Komperdell top station (S104) to the Kölner Haus (S103). From there to the Lausbachbrücke bridge, past the Cervosa Alm. Descent on a vehicle track to the Lazidkreuz (S280). Further on trail no. 30, past the Böderhütte (S286) to the signpost (S290). Via serpentines steeply upwards to the Riefenjoch (S287). From here in 30 minutes you reach the summit of the Hinteren Heuberg (S295). From the Riefenjoch (S287) you reach the Pezidsattel (S292) and the Pezidbahn mountain terminal (closed in summer) – but only via the Riefenkopf and via a brittle-stone ridge suitable only for experienced hikers. Behind the mountain terminal is a trail to the main summit of the Pezid (2,770 m). Descent on the vehicle track, from the signpost (S227) onto the trail to the crossing (S223) and on trail no. 26 to Scheid (S217) and further on to the Lazidbahn mountain terminal (S301).


sports Hiking & mountain tour
difficulty medium
distance 14.32 km
duration 5h
altitude 1300m
highest point 2728m
start Komperdell top station
endpoint Lazid top station
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