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Ladis via Falterjöchl to Fiss

At the community hall (L006) follow the Razilweg trail on the left side until you reach the edge of the town. Follow the main track to the Weiberkessl. At the curve turn to the right (L001), a trail leads you over the Ochsenleite and a flat field right to the crossing in the Edlachwald forest (F006a). Walk down on the right side (L017) on the trail no. 3 to the Villa (L016) and to Obladis (L065, Café – Sauerbrunnquelle). On the left side the trail no. 3 (F006a) leads you up to the Falterjöchl (F006), a wonderful look out and resting place with an enjoyment station. At the Falterjöchl walk flat through the fields until you reach Fiss (F008).



sports Hiking & mountain tour
distance 4.82 km
duration 1.5h
altitude 301m
highest point 1486m
start community hall at village centre
endpoint Fiss
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