Holiday with dog in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis in Tyrol | © Andreas Kirschner

An enjoyable holiday with your dog

Bring your dog to Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis

For a relaxing holiday with your dog, Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis provides the perfect setting. Whether in summer or winter, there are numerous hiking and walking trails that invite you to beautiful and scenic excursions. To ensure you and your dog can enjoy a wonderful vacation, there are a few things to consider for a harmonious coexistence between dog owners, fellow travelers, and locals.

Here are some useful tips and rules for your holiday with your four-legged companion in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis.

Working together. For animal welfare. For landscape conservation.
Meadow and pasture guideline.

Keep your dog on a lead

We can certainly understand that you may wish to let your four-legged companion run freely, especially if they have good recall. However, the requirement to keep your dog on a lead along all trails and in play areas is a mark of respect to other people, flora, and fauna. Above all, the regulation is also in place for your protection: dogs running around freely or barking loudly can occasionally cause panic among grazing animals in meadows, pastures, and mountain pastures, and this may jeopardize your safety. However, please unleash your dog immediately if you find yourself in danger.

Leashing and/or muzzling requirement

The leashing and/or muzzling requirement is regulated by the Tyrolean Police Act and applies in the following areas.

Leashing and muzzling requirement

  • Bottom stations, waiting areas, gondolas, underground.


  • Hikers’ bus, public transportation.
  • Public areas with crowds.

Leashing or muzzling requirement

  • On all (winter) hiking trails and paths (e.g., Pirates’ Trail, Witches’ Path, Explorers’ Trail, Panorama Enjoyment Trail, etc.).


  • In all playgrounds and adventure areas (e.g., Hög Adventure Park, Summer Fun Park Fiss, etc.).
  • On all cross-country ski trails.

Out and about with your dog

Dogs are very social animals. Fortunately, more and more dog owners love to be out and about with their four-legged friends. There are a few things to keep in mind so that living together in public places remains dog-friendly and your dog does not lack for anything when you are out and about. Read here what's really important, whether you're going for a little walk or a long journey.

Dogs on alpine pastures

  • Maintain sufficient distance from grazing animals.
  • Avoid encounters between mother cows and dogs as mother cows protect their calves.
  • Immediately unleash your dog if an attack by a grazing animal is foreseeable

There are 10 alms in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis. In the Masner area in Serfaus, there is a “Mutterkuhalm” or mother cow alm which should be avoided when hiking with dogs. Grazing animals can also be found in the many open fields and alpine pastures in the whole region. Please adhere to the following 10 rules for how to behave safely around our local grazing animals.

"Dog and Cow" like "Cat and Mouse"

In recent years, a number of tragic accidents have occurred in Tyrol and other federal states when hikers accompanied by dogs and grazing cattle meet.

The grazing animals are not generally aggressive, but like to be left alone. That's why you should keep your distance and never seek contact - not even for selfies, for petting, etc.

Accidents involving hikers/cyclists without a dog are even rarer, but recreational athletes without four-legged companions should still exercise caution on the alpine pastures!

Dogs on hiking trails

  • Walk with foresight.
  • Leash and move aside dogs when encountering pedestrians, cyclists, etc. Sudden movements can be misinterpreted by the dog and trigger chasing behavior.

Dogs in the forest

  • Keep dogs on a leash.
  • Keep dogs with a strong hunting instinct on a leash at all times.
  • Immediately inform the relevant forester in case of any incidents with forest animals.

Encounters with people

  • Call your dog to you and leash it.
  • Leash your dog or use a well-fitted muzzle in larger gatherings of people.
  • Make a detour around approaching individuals, maintain distance, or have your dog sit.
  • Never leave dogs unsupervised with children.

Encounters with other dogs

  • Avoid frontal encounters with a tense leash; better to give them a wide berth.
  • If dogs are incompatible with other dogs, maintain sufficient distance, move on quickly, or find an alternative route.
  • When encountering off-leash dogs, ensure that no one is being bothered.
  • Off-leash freedom only for reliably recallable dogs.

More information you can find at

Info cable car ticket for dogs

The cable car companies in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis offer you the opportunity to transport your dog to the mountain area using the cable cars so that you can explore the beautiful landscape together. A nominal fee is charged for this service to cover the transportation of your loyal companion. Dog tickets can be purchased at the cable car ticket offices. The transportation of assistance dogs, such as guide dogs, is free of charge. Please also visit a cable car ticket office in this case to obtain a ticket for verification. Nothing should stand in the way of you and your dog experiencing unforgettable adventures together in the mountains.

Contribution to expenses for the transport of your beloved four-legged friends per day 8 days Season
  6.00 11.50 22.00

Transport for assistance dogs (e.g. guide dogs) is free of charge - however, a ticket for inspection must be picked up at the cable car ticket offices.

Winter 2024/25 1 day 8 days Season
Euro 6.00 11.50 22.00

Transport for avalanche dogs and assistance dogs (e.g. guide dogs) is free - but a ticket for inspection must be picked up at the cable car ticket offices.

Pick up after your dog

Please always pick up after your dog. Throughout the Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis region, we have installed 78 dog stations, which are equipped with free bag dispensers and waste bins. Please do not leave any feces or bagged piles outside – instead dispose of them in the appropriate bins or together with the non-recyclable waste. The dog stations are marked on our local maps of Serfaus, Fiss and Ladis, as well as on the interactive map available on our app and our website: Did you know that 720 kg of used dog-waste bags are sent to landfill every week and that approximately 500 working hours are spent maintaining the dog stations every year?

If possible, don't let your dog foul the meadows or pastures

The more meadow area contaminated by dog feces, the less healthy forage area there is for animal herbivores. Where possible, ensure that your four-legged friend defecates on the edge of the paths and trails. Please pick up after your dog and take the bag with you to the nearest dog station where you can dispose of it in an environmentally safe manner. Dog bags are available free of charge at the dog stations.

Did you know that even one gram of dog feces can contain a multitude of pathogens invisible to us? Dogs may excrete dog tapeworm eggs, which can remain contagious in the soil for months, even under unfavourable climatic conditions. Although the parasite is called dog tapeworm, these worms can also infect cattle and other animals. Bacteria such as salmonella and parasitic protozoa can also be spread by dog feces to the meadow and pasture areas where they persist for a long time. Salmonella disease in animals can result in stillbirths, which leads to milk supplies being mandatorily suspended. When cows contract the parasitic protozoan Neospora Caninum once, they remain carriers throughout their lives and their calves are most likely carriers, too. Some calves are born without symptoms, yet many are born weak, with disabilities, or even stillborn. There are currently no effective medications or an approved vaccine to offer protection against these parasites.

Even if you are a responsible dog owner and pick up your dog’s feces, any residue can make the hay, which is otherwise very healthy, unsanitary. Any pathogens in the feces do not get washed away by the rain, and mowing spreads these pathogens throughout the hay crop. As such, even the sensitive noses and large tongues of our alpine animals are unable to recognize which feed could be harmful to their health. Together with our farming families, we therefore implore you not to let your dog foul the meadows and pastures.

Travel with dog

A vacation without the beloved four-legged friend is unimaginable for most dog owners! However, the joint trip is not suitable for every four-legged friend and you should consider some important things before starting. What? You can find out here.

The whole thing starts with the right planning and preparation and goes to the comfortable and safe execution of the trip as well as the stay on site and not to forget the return journey.

Our travel guide gives you tips on what to look out for when vacationing with a dog, and the "Traveling with a Dog" checklist will help you really think of everything!

Checklist "Traveling with a dog"

Ask the following questions in advance when planning your trip:

  • Can my dog enter Tyrol/Austria due to the legal entry regulations?
  • What are the regulations for keeping a dog in Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis?
  • Is the weather reasonable for my dog at the planned vacation time? What special arrangements do I have to make for him so that he can easily cope with the weather conditions?
  • How do I travel to Serfaus-Fiss-Ladis so that my dog travels in a species-appropriate and safe manner? Do I need a transport box?
  • How will I spend my time on vacation? Is it possible with my dog? Do I perhaps need care for him?
  • Are dogs allowed in my accommodation or do I have to find another one? Is there an additional fee for bringing the dog?
  • Is my dog really fit for the trip? Does my dog have all the important vaccinations? 
  • Do I have a first-aid kit for my dog?

Dogs in the car, train or plane

If you take your dog with you in the car, then certain safety regulations must be observed, which are even required by law in some countries. These include, for example, the use of a special harness and a safety belt for the dog.

For longer journeys with a dog, the train is also ideally suited.

Are you traveling for several hours? Pay attention to the welfare of the animal and make sure that your dog gets enough water and also his food. Plan for possible stopovers or travel overnight, at a time when your dog is sleeping and it is a bit colder in the summer than during the day.

Each airline has its own transportation requirements for dogs, which usually depend on the dog's size, weight, and sometimes breed. Find out well in advance of the trip.


Your four-legged friend needs medical care or has a health problem?
Which veterinarians are open and accepting emergency cases today?  

These privately owned veterinarian clinics voluntarily offer emergency weekend and night shifts. This commitment is for the benefit of your pets and makes emergency veterinary first aid in the event of acute illness or injury accessible. This on-call service outside of normal office hours is therefore billed 2-4 times higher (weekend and night shift surcharges). Please note that these emergency services must be paid for in full at the time of consultation in cash (some practises also accept EC or credit card payments). 

Veterinary practice Demetz

Monday & Wednesday 9.30am - 11.00am
Friday 6.00pm - 7.00pm
Wednesday afternoons as well as surgeries & emergencies by telephone arrangement


Demetz Florian
Truyen 336, 6531 Ried im Oberinntal
+43 664 468 28 29

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